Monday, 16 February 2015

Maya: T-Rex


T-Rex (Organic Modelling)

For the past week I've been following a step by step guide in modelling a T-Rex from scratch. I've edited and textured a pre-made model in Mudbox and now it's time for me to create my own.

I opened a pre-made scene with the reference image and startup cubes in place.

I then followed the guide and started to model the head by adding edge loops, extruding edges and faces and moving vertices to match the reference. 

I also made sure I switched between side and perspective view to make sure that the whole model was to scale and in proportion. Modelling in just one viewport will make your model remain flat.

The guide and reference image helped me out a lot, but I spent a lot of time trying to perfect the model by tweaking each individual vertex to make sure it was in proportion and matched the reference.

Once I was done with the head I moved onto the body and tail. I selected the faces at the back of the head and extruded. I repeated the process several times and by adjusting the edge loops with the scale tool I followed and matched up the model to the reference image. 

I continued to switch between viewports to make sure the model was in proportion and matched the references. 

I also followed the guide carefully to make sure I had the right amount of edge loops and that they were all in the right place. 

Here is the final result.

Thanks to the guide I found this task easy and fun. I feel comfortable with Maya and I am getting to grips with the tools and techniques used. I just need to try and speed up my workflow and produce models faster. 

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