Monday, 2 March 2015

Maya: T-Rex part 2


T-Rex part 2

Both in class and at home I worked on modelling the hands and feet for my T-rex and finishing blocking out the model.

I started with the rear legs by selecting the faces surrounding the upper leg, deleting them and extruding the edges. I continued to extrude the edges and moving the vertices around to reshape the leg to match the reference.

I repeated the process for the arms.

For the hand I extruded the edges of the arms, filled the hole and added and egdeloop to divide them. I then extruded the two faces out to create the fingers. I then extruded once more and scaled in for the claws.

For the feet I selected the edgeloops of the bottom leg and extruded down to form the ankle. I then selected the three faces facing the front and extruded them out to create the start of the foot. I extruded the same faces, but individually to separate and shape the claws.

I found modelling the hands and feet really tricky and difficult. I kept getting the topology wrong and I still feel that the topology on this model is still incorrect. I need to learn to take my time and study hands and feet both in maya and traditional mediums if I want to improve my work.  

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