Thursday, 18 February 2016

Maya: Hufflepuff Common Room Greybox


I have greyboxed my Hufflepuff common room environment in Maya. After looking closely at my references I recreated the room while keeping true to the source material.

I modeled the room using a cylinder and separating the top faces for the roof. I Then attached a cylinder to the side of the room to create the archway/ entrance to the room.

I added a smaller cylinder for the barrel which the students crawl through in order to enter the room.

I modeled many objects in separate maya scenes and imported them into the main common room scene here. I created two types of chairs. I created wooden chairs and armchairs. The armchair was tricky as I needed to model it to appear overstuffed and cozy. Once I was happy with the models I imported them into the scene and duplicated.

I modeled the table from a cylinder and extruded several times. I also retopologised the faces so they are all quads.

I modeled the bookshelves and the notice board from simple cubes and extruded.

For the sofa I split the armchair in half and stretched the model. I then duplicated and sewed the two models together to create a whole sofa.

For the doors I used the a cylinder and extruded outwards to create the doorframe. I then extruded from the center to create the doorknob. I duplicated and deleted the doorknob and merged the verts to the center to create the windows. 

I created the fireplace from a cube and used a cylinder and extruded to create the portrait frame.

For the hanging plant pots I used a cylinder and deleted the topfaces. I extruded down and scaled in to create a narrow point. I used a similar technique for the tabletop plant pots I used stretched cubes for the hanging chains.