Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Games Encounters Winter Project: Final Update


Final Update

In this term I have been trying to create a simple game in unity with the objective creating three trigger events, using no real textures or AI and gameplay lasting at least 2 minutes. This assignment proved to be tougher than I first assumed.

I created and used this storyboard to use it as a guideline for myself when i was modelling out my level and creating scripted events.

My level consisted of a series of thin boxes which is used to create walls and formed two boxes. One for the corridor and one for the elevator.

Down the hallway I added two area lights and a number of doors all scripted with a zombie sound effect. I obtained the sound effect from 

I created a button with a script which opened the doors, turned off the spotlight highlighting the button and played two audio sounds. The ding sound effect I obtained from, but the elevator music I got from youtube. I applied GUI text to all buttons when you hovered the mouse over the button.

I struggled scripting the elevator controls button as I originally wanted this script to simulate different actions at different times throughout the game. However due to my lack of scripting knowledge I was forced to change my idea and, so this button was scripted to close the doors and turn all sound and lights in the room off. 

I created a scripted button to turn the lights back on. When the lights came on they would change colour to a warm red to help create an unsettling atmosphere.

I recored myself acting out a distress call with zombie sound effects in the background. I used Wavepad sound editing software to record two files. One with the distress call and one for the zombie sounds. I then merged the two files together and added a telephone audio effect to the final sound. This helped make the audio appear as if it was playing through the speakers.

I added a sphere underneath the telephone button which opened the doors.

As the player walks out I created two triggers one turning off the lights.

And another displaying a creepy zombie jpeg file. 

I created the zombie image by using a zombie makeup reference image from google and creating a charcoal texture layer to bring out the silhouette and editing it by adding a series of overlay layers. I then used an alpha channel to eliminate the background, so when the image is loaded into unity it will appear as if the head is floating.

I wanted to create a global script which activated every trigger script one at a time, but it was too complicated for my skillset to understand. I therefore left my game as it is which means that all scripts are active and there is no order for the gamer. I am disappointed that my skill level has limited my scritpting capabilities, but I am proud of the game I have created. I feel I shot myself in the foot early on when I wanted to create an elevator with only two scripted buttons. This created more hassle than the assignment needed to be and therefore cost me valuable time and has had a major effect on my final game. 

In the future I will learn to take my skillset into consideration and create a concept that I know I can create rather than just knowing it's cool and original. 

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